Spirit Mountain Casino in Oregon, is set to play their inaugural MPBingo® game on August 13th. This announcement comes at the same time that Planet Bingo is gearing up for the addition of another new site to offer the MPBingo® game. The ironic part of the story is that she received just $150.00 for the “regular” payout portion of the game she won! Just over six weeks ago, a lucky player at Sandia Casino won $59,778.00 and just four days later a player at Meskwaki Casino in Tama, Iowa won $127,687.00. On August 8th, one lucky lady, Geneva Zirnheld, was awarded $39,568, at Sandia Casino in Albuquerque, NM. AUGRANCHO MIRAGE, CA–For the second time in 43 days, Planet Bingo has awarded tens of thousands of dollars in their MPBingo® (Multi-Progressive Bingo) game.